Turns out Donald Trump’s coronavirus stunts were even more deranged than we thought

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Based just on what we’ve been able to see publicly, Donald Trump’s handling of the coronavirus crisis in the United States has been dishonest, corrupt, negligent, and psychotic. The results have been tragic and deadly. Now it turns out the whole thing was even uglier than we thought.

Former Trump-Pence coronavirus task force staffer Olivia Troye is now revealing that during televised coronavirus meetings, Surgeon General Jerome Adams and HUD Secretary Ben Carson were only seated at the table because they were Black. This was to give the false impression that the task force was doing something to help with the disproportionate manner in which the coronavirus has hit the Black community. But behind the scenes, the task force had zero interest in doing anything with regard to the Black community.

You had the general sense all along that this was the case, of course. But to hear it actually spelled out, by someone who was on the inside, is nonetheless jarring. In our view, Donald Trump’s approach to the coronavirus crisis was nothing short of mass negligent homicide.

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