Turkish newspaper claims one of Jamal Khashoggi’s Saudi killers is now dead

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Back when it was first becoming clear that the government of Saudi Arabia would have to end up taking some kind of responsibility for the murder of Washington Post journalist Jamal Khashoggi, Palmer Report predicted that the Saudi King might have his killers executed in the town square, claim that they acted without the Crown Prince’s authorization, and insist that the matter was resolved. Now a new development suggests that things may be headed in a different, but similar, direction.

Yeni Safak, a major Turkish newspaper, is reporting that Meshal Saad M. Albostani – one of the fifteen Saudi government agents involved Khashoggi’s apparent murder – just died in a “suspicious car accident.” You can take this report for whatever you think it’s worth, as misdirection has generally ruled the day in this scandal thus far.

But if it’s true that one of Khashoggi’s killers has already been bumped off, it would invite a whole new round of questions as to what’s going on here. Is the Saudi government trying to take them out before they can tell the story of what really happened? Is someone else trying to take them out in the name of revenge? Is it realistic to think that one of Khashoggi’s killers just died in a “suspicious car accident” and it’s a coincidence?

In any case, this scandal keeps getting uglier. Just moments ago, Donald Trump’s Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin announced via Twitter that he will not be attending the upcoming economic summit in Saudi Arabia, after having spent the past several days insisting that he would attend. Mnuchin was under intense pressure to pull out, after investors worldwide had already withdrawn in disgust.

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