Tuesday’s primary elections were great news for the Democrats

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A handful of states held their primaries on Tuesday night – in Maine, Nevada, North Dakota, and South Carolina. Only two of those states are particularly consequential to the 2024 election, and the spotlight was largely on a special election to replace the vacated Republican congressman in Ohio’s rural 6th Congressional District – one that should have never been competitive for the Republicans but ended up being a 20-point overperformance for the Democratic candidate.

It’s a sign that we should be feeling pretty good about our odds of keeping Sherrod Brown’s seat, when Republicans have nominated one of the worst possible candidates to run against him.

Democrats had a further bit of unexpected good news in the Nevada primary, where incumbent Sen. Jacky Rosen pulled more votes in a non-competitive race than Republicans did in a competitive race.

Bear in mind that the Silver State already had its presidential primary months ago, so this was the top of the ballot race, and a testament to Rosen’s popularity there despite what the close polls would otherwise suggest. We can win and keep both Sherrod Brown’s and Jacky Rosen’s seats in Ohio and Nevada, and probably even deliver the state of Nevada for President Biden on Nov 5 if we put the work in now.

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