Tucker Carlson just went there

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Bill Palmer
Palmer Report

A skilled madman always knows his audience. To succeed in the wizardry of the cult, it is essential for the “leader” to have as members pupils that will never doubt you. And just look back through history at some of our most insidious cult leaders. Charles Mason. David Koresh. Jim Jones. Tucker Carlson.

That last name is who I would like to discuss. Carlson has perfected the art of the cult. He has tinkered with his sorcery, chiseled it, and ever-so-lovingly carved out his niche as the number one wizard in all of Cable news.

And he is despised by many who see through his charlatan mask into the non-soul within. It seems there is nothing Tucker will not do for ratings, and now he has again proven this theory to be true. This week, Tucker, in an astonishing move, came out and defended President Putin’s forces on the Ukraine border.

He said that poor President Putin “just wants to keep his western borders secure.” As if this statement was not repulsive enough, Carlson also claims it is possible President Biden is planning to go to war with Russia to “improve his poll numbers.”

The most frightening thing about all this verbal vomit is not that Tucker says it. It’s the fact that people actually WATCH — and enjoy — the senseless drivel. In my opinion, Tucker represents as significant a threat as Donald Trump. Why? Because Trump has been dethroned. Tucker appears to be here to stay — at least for now.

There is seemingly nothing he can say that will cause his bosses to discipline him. And there is ALSO a seething, foaming-at-the-mouth audience who seemingly revels in this type of talk.

Of course, the backlash to these insane comments has been swift. Many are outraged. Sadly, that does not appear to be moving the needle toward Tucker losing his show. Will anything? We will wait and see.

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Much thanks,
Bill Palmer
Palmer Report