Tucker Carlson just confessed

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How is it that we have so much stupid in this great country? I remain baffled by the fact that so many folks watch Tucker Carlson every night. If one wants to find ignorance, look no further than Carlson. However, there is the odd occasion where Carlson decides to be honest.

Now, I admit this is not an event that occurs much. Therefore, when it DOES happen, it is that much more astonishing. And Carlson made a stunning admission this week, after the Virginia Governor’s race. The subject was Critical Race Theory. And Tucker admitted he has absolutely no idea what that is.

Proving my hypothesis that his idiocy is reaching new heights, Carlson labeled CRT “Nazi stuff,” which is sort of like Donald Trump Jr. calling someone else stupid. It’s totally “un-American,” the nitwit screeched.

This is a boy (I will never call him a “man”) that has been ranting and raving about CTR for over a year now. But he readily admitted he has no idea what in the world it is. “I have never figured out what Critical Race Theory is, to be totally honest.”

This actually might just be the most honest statement Tucker has ever made. And his comment does leave me with a question. If you do not know what it is, Tucker, why not find out?

I mean — according to you (or your writers), it is demonic and wicked — worse than The Exorcist on the Exorcist’s worst day — so don’t you have any interest in knowing WHAT EXACTLY is so terrifying to you?

It is a rhetorical question. Of course, Tuckems knows what it is. This is all a game of show and tell. Show outrage. Tell nothing. It works for many of his viewers because they lack the intellectual curiosity to question.

If one has no critical thinking skills, one cannot think with any depth. They cannot analyze or disagree. And this is precisely as Tucker would like. Zombies are Tucker’s game, and it pays in dividends. It is a shame that so many of his non-questioning audience do not see this for themselves.

Note from Bill Palmer: I need your help! Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Help me make it happen:
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