Trump’s fantasy island

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I finally figured it out. I completed the arduous task of figuring out Donald Trump’s brain. Yes, I think Donald Trump’s insane word-speak is actually trying to tell us something — sending us a message if you will — a very twisted message in a VERY mad bottle.

So here is what I have found. Donald Trump’s thought process is fantasy island. What do I mean by that? I can give you an example.

Donald Trump yammered on this week about Joe Biden. He said Biden would likely show up at the DNC convention and take back the nomination. This was an insane thought, but this IS Donald Trump we’re talking about.

So where did he COME to with such a crazy thought? He perhaps dreamed about it- fantasized about it. See, I believe Donald Trump’s brain is SO gone; he is so cognitively unaware, that he is beginning to daydream out loud.

What he talks about reflects his desires, not the truth. This thing about Biden? It feels like Trump’s burning fantasy, one that won’t happen but one that burns bright in his mind. That Kamala will not be the nominee. She already IS the nominee, but in Trump’s addled mind, there’s always a chance, isn’t there?

Trump says his crowd size is bigger than Martin Luther King Jr.’s ever was. Once again, a fantasy. A speculative, yearning, a wish for what can never be. Trump did not used to do this. Not to this extent. At one time, he could lead crowds in their dastardly chants of “lock (insert name here) them up.”

But now he can’t. All he can do is babble on about what he wishes the world was like—not what it actually IS. Trump’s brain has departed for fantasy island, a place that soothes his unquenchable desire for worship, playing to his worries and fears. It isn’t real, of course. Do you think Trump knows that it isn’t real?

We, the people, are witnessing the fluttering of daydreams that can never come true. Oh, he wishes they could — but you see, I believe he’s finally forever, lost all hold on reality.

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