Trump world hits the panic button

Dear Palmer Report readers: I don't like asking, but we need to raise $4,766 to continue our fight against Trump. Click here to donate what you can. Sincerely, Bill Palmer

The January 6 hearings are coming up this week, and the news does not bode well for Donald Trump. Former Oath Keeper spokesperson Jason Van Tatenhove will be a witness at Tuesday’s hearing. The intrigue on this one appears to be high. Van Tatenhove has not been part of the group in years – since around 2017 – but knows quite a bit about the ins and outs of this group. He will likely be a very compelling witness.

It’s also expected that he will speak on the radicalization process of the Oath Keepers. He is a native of the state of Colorado and a former tattoo artist. And reportedly, he was extremely close to the founder of the group, Stewart Rhodes. If this hearing is anything like all the others — we can expect bombshells.

This news is coming on top of the information that Pat Cipollone gave pretty stunning testimony that corroborated much of what Cassidy Hutchinson said.

And it is ALSO coming on the heels of the news that Bannon is frantically trying to now appear before the January 6 committee. This is a non-story that will not change the fact that Steve Bannon is in terrible trouble, and all the plotting and scheming in the world will not change that.

He thinks he can just change his mind, like the wind? And Donald Trump is no longer the President. He has no pardon power and Bannon knows that. He is panicking and attempting to stall. See, this is what we should expect guys like Trump and Bannon to do — panic.

They’re bullies and cowards at heart, so as the truth closes in on them with its merciless smile, the loop the loop the two ingrown toenails, Bannon and Trump continue to play is becoming more frantic. Perhaps they really are that stupid. Perhaps they really think they’re smarter than everybody else.

Only they’re not. These two men were fools to do what they did and to actually fancy themselves above the law. Nobody is above the law, especially not pea-brained jokers such as these two.

Dear Palmer Report readers: I don't like asking, but we need to raise $4,766 to continue our fight against Trump. Click here to donate what you can. Sincerely, Bill Palmer