Trump stooge Peter Navarro just gave away the game

The House Select Committee has pledged to conduct its investigation in the public eye in 2022, but information has steadily been coming out. Daily Beast (“DB”) has a leg up on that information. DB discussed the upcoming memoir of Peter Navarro, who was at one time a trusted Trump adviser, “one time” because now that he has written this book, he is likely tops on Trump’s shit list. Navarro was right in the middle of the operation designed to circumvent democracy. The idea that these men likened what they were doing to a football game is ridiculous. The “Green Bay Sweep” was supposed to prevent President Biden from assuming office, but it ended up blowing up in their faces.
It is no surprise that Paul Gosar was involved, as he had already planned to object to certification of Arizona’s vote, but Navarro claims that they had lined up “over 100 congressmen, including senators.” Ted Cruz was also involved in this exercise in futility according to Navarro. Attempts to contact both Gosar and Cruz’s offices for comment were met with silence. It is disgraceful to think that people sent to Congress to represent citizens got so deeply involved in the fraud perpetrated by Trump and his allies. There was no fraud in the 2020 election, and they all knew it. Yet, they wasted their time and taxpayer dollars pursuing this nonsense. Worse, they knew they would never succeed in keeping Joe Biden out of office, but Navarro said that they hoped to attract media attention by delaying the process. In other words, these people knew they had no chance of success; they wanted attention for their lies. This is beyond sad. It should somehow be criminal, and DB reported on that possibility as well.
Because of charges that have been levied against participants in the insurrection, the committee is looking at possibly using those same charges to prosecute others. That charge is called obstructing an official congressional proceeding, and Trump and his people were certainly guilty of that. When you consider that they all knew their efforts were futile yet continued along the same crooked path, they willingly and knowingly obstructed Congress’s work by trying to hold up certification of the presidential vote. A legal scholar with whom DB spoke believes that the committee may well be onto something and that if the committee is successful, they may find a path to charging Donald Trump criminally. That would be the best news we could receive. Joshua Kastenberg, one of the scholars who spoke with DB explained the process: “The DOJ and the committee are building a pyramid of guilt to get to the top. The more people who plead guilty, the more the top of the pyramid begins to take shape.”
So far, more than 200 have been charged with obstruction, and 13 have pled guilty, beginning the pyramid Kastenberg discussed. Trump has been getting away with skirting the law for years. His arrogance has only grown as he continued to get away with things. Perhaps his time may yet come.

Shirley is a former entertainment writer and has worked in the legal field for over 25 years