Trump stooge Bernard Kerik gives up the goods to January 6th Committee

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Weeks ago it was reported that Trump stooge Bernard Kerik tried to invoke imaginary executive privilege while testifying to the January 6th Committee, but in the process he revealed that one of the documents he was refusing to turn over was titled “DRAFT LETTER FROM POTUS TO SEIZE EVIDENCE IN THE INTEREST OF NATIONAL SECURITY FOR THE 2020 ELECTIONS.”

At the time we asked aloud whether Kerik was stupidly outing Trump world people by accident, or if he was smartly pointing the committee in the right direction in a manner that would save him from contempt charges while also allowing him to tell Donald Trump that he didn’t actually give up the goods. Now we may be getting our answer.

It turns out Bernard Kerik told the January 6th Committee that former Army colonel Phil Waldron was behind the extraordinary illegal draft order to have the military seize voting machines, according to Politico. A few things stand out about this.

First, if Kerik is naming names, then he’s definitely trying to get the heat off himself by selling out others in Trump world who (according to him) did far more criminal things.

Second, while Kerik gave up Waldron to the committee weeks ago, it didn’t leak to the media until today. Given the manner in which Politico has phrased its article, it feels like Kerik himself may be the person who leaked this name to the media. If so then the timing is notable, because just three days ago a court appointed special master finally gave the DOJ the evidence that the FBI seized from Giuliani’s home months ago, clearing the way to indict Giuliani any time it wants. Now that Giuliani’s arrest is on the clock, Kerik – who worked with Giuliani and Waldron on election overthrow shenanigans – appears to suddenly be leaking to the media that he’s cooperating with the January 6th Committee.

Third, the final paragraph of today’s Politico article suggests that Kerik also gave up Sidney Powell to the January 6th Committee. This is particularly notable given that over the weekend, Powell’s lawyer publicly announced that Powell is cooperating with the DOJ.

Why would Kerik leak this right now? Well, it’s one thing to let the DOJ know that he’s already partly cooperating with the January 6th Committee, and that he’s thus willing to at least partially cooperate with the DOJ in its January 6th criminal probe. But is Kerik working with Giuliani to give up Waldron and Powell? Is Kerik willing to give up Giuliani, Powell, and Waldron? That’s not clear. But Kerik’s decision to give up Waldron means there’s a lot in play here. Stay tuned.

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