Trump craps the bed

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In a Press conference on Friday, which was not REALLY a press conference because the convicted felon took no questions, Trump once again lost it in regards to E. Jean Carroll. Trump, whose brain is nowhere near done shrinking, proceeded to attack several of the ladies who have accused him of sexual assault, putting the issue back in the news and guaranteeing. Kamala Harris will talk about it at next week’s debate.

In regards to Carroll — Trump again claimed not to know her.

“I don’t know who she is,” the sexual assaulter snarled.

“She wrote a book and made a ridiculous story up.”

Wow. Could another Carroll lawsuit be in the making? I am guessing it probably can.

“And she put it in her book,” Old Grumpy whined.

But Trump went a little further than usual in his attacks on Carroll, as his criminality, penchant for lying, and cognitive decline all collided, leading Orange Jelly Bean to accuse Carroll’s photo that showed the two shaking hands, of possibly being AI-generated. What does one say to such a comment as that?

Trump also explained that Carroll’s favorite TV show is Law and Order and that she got the idea to accuse him from the program. Wait! Stop! What’s that sound? I think it’s the sound of a phone ringing in an attorney’s office….. AI did not exist at the time of this photo, but simple facts often — actually — ALWAYS evade the convicted felon.

Then Trump began attacking OTHER women who made accusations against him. “Just keep talking,” said national security lawyer Bradley Moss. Ah, Donald. He really does remind me of a villain straight out of an Edgar Allen Poe story. Those villains usually lose because they make obvious mistakes.

So, in real life, our political villain certainly acts like a dumb octopus whose brain is tiny and inaccessible to anyone dealing with reality. What’s Trump going to talk about tomorrow? Who knows, but it’s guaranteed to be something that will make his hapless campaign wince.

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