Donald Trump goes totally bonkers as it all slips away from him

Donald Trump’s scandals keep multiplying. The polls are making clear that a growing majority of Americans are simply done with this guy and his catastrophic antics. Now Trump is looking for someone to blame for it all – and he’s blaming everyone.

Trump tweeted this: “ The Fake News, @CNN, MSDNC, the failing @nytimes, and the rest, are working overtime spewing every lie in the book to make sure they can demean and disparage, at the highest level possible, to try and win an election for a man who is totally unqualified to be your President, S.J.”

That’s right, Donald Trump is already laying the groundwork for blaming the media for his loss. We’re guessing “S.J.” is short for “Sleepy Joe” but considering how hallucinatory his behavior has become, he could be referring to the late Steve Jobs for all we know. Trump is lost in the weeds. Let’s drive voter turnout and run up the score against him.

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