Donald Trump is in total freefall right now

Note from Bill Palmer: Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Please consider donating $25.

While “president” Donald Trump sits around spreading conspiracy theories, Joe Biden is running away with the upcoming election. Trump’s pastimes have never served him well. He is supposed to be running the U.S. but he instead spends his time tweeting and watching television. Trump’s conspiracy theories have now evolved into something so spectacularly stupid that it is clear that he is either losing his mind or setting himself up to lose the 2020 election.

Trump hit an all-time low when he accused Martin Gugino of being an operative for Antifa. Gugino is the 75-year-old man who was pushed to the ground by two New York police officers and remains in serious but stable condition. Trump tweeted that Gugino’s presence was a “set up” and that he “fell harder than he was pushed.” Trump further claimed that Gugino had “scanning capabilities” in his cell phone and was using it to intercept police radio. Next, we will expect Trump to claim he saw little green men walking on the White House roof.

Trump’s new network of choice is One America News Network (“OANN”), which Mother Jones calls a “propogandist conspiracy network.” According to both Mother Jones and Daily Beast, one of OANN’s main conspiracy theorists is Kristian Rouz, who at one time wrote for Sputnik, a Russian state media outlet. Rouz was responsible for the ridiculous conspiracy theories that Hillary Clinton funded Antifa and that coronavirus is a conspiracy involving the Clintons, George Soros, Bill Gates, Dr. Anthony Fauci, and the Chinese government. Have mercy. We can see why Trump is attracted to the network. Given Trump’s lies and fictional works, he fits right in. Sadly — at least for Trump — he is so easily distracted by shiny things, that he does not even see that Joe Biden is killing him in the polls.

Even as Trump spirals out of control, Biden remains the voice of calm. Trump has accused Biden of “siding with liberal activists to defund the police.” Where does Trump get these things? Biden very calmly responded that while he does not support this action, he did suggest that federal funds provided to law enforcement should require “decency and honor” among officers. Biden has no time for Trump’s frays. Instead, he traveled to Houston to offer his condolences to the family of George Floyd. Instead of spouting conspiracy theories and fanning the flames of anger and frustration, Biden recorded a beautiful video to George Floyd’s daughter Gianna, telling her that her daddy is so proud of her and that he understands she has questions that no child should have to ask, even though many black children have the same question. The video was played at Floyd’s memorial service and was quite moving.

Biden does not need to do anything but be his authentic self. He does care, and he feels our pain. He honestly and wholeheartedly intends to tackle the racial injustice issue permeating our society. Just show who you are, Joe Biden, and let Trump keep doing what he does best, sow anger and discontent. Trump is his own worst enemy and the best gift Joe Biden could have.

Note from Bill Palmer: Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Please consider donating $25.