Told you Donald Trump’s non-disclosure agreements wouldn’t hold up

Note from Bill Palmer: Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Please consider donating $25.

Back when Donald Trump was still in office, the defeatists loved pushing the narrative that he was untouchable because he’d forced his underlings to sign non-disclosure agreements. Apparently these signed NDAs were going to keep his former underlings from being able to speak out against him, which was… somehow going to magically hand him reelection? The logic employed by the defeatists never is coherent.

Back when the doomsday hysteria over NDAs was going on a few years ago, Palmer Report explained why these NDAs would never hold up in court. They were poorly constructed to begin with, and they legally don’t apply to government employees. Trump’s argument that White House employees were really his campaign employees was never going to fly either.

Sure enough, after Omarosa wrote a “tell-all” book about Donald Trump (which in reality didn’t tell much at all), Trump took her to NDA arbitration to try to punish her for it. But now the arbitrator has ruled in Omarosa’s favor, something that always had a roughly 100% chance of happening.

We’ll see what comes of this. It could motivate other former Trump underlings to come forward with their stories, now that they can see the NDAs they were forced to sign aren’t going to hinder them. But the real upshot here is that Trump never, ever, ever had any magic wands in his possession. The defeatists insisted that Trump could wave the NDAs like magic wands and accomplish anything he wanted. But in reality nothing ever works that way. Never has, never will.

Note from Bill Palmer: Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Please consider donating $25.