Donald Trump just tipped off how badly he knows he’s losing

Note from Bill Palmer: I need your help! Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Help me make it happen:
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– Donald Trump is now reduced to bragging about how he’s winning in South Carolina. In other words, he’s getting his butt kicked so badly in the swing states and even some red states, he’s reduced to bragging that he’s winning in a deep red state. He just tipped off how badly he knows he’s losing.

– There is no America First Healthcare Plan. It’s just an empty Trump executive order that does literally nothing. Don’t let Trump try to spin it any differently.

– Trump is quoting The Federalist, which means he’s still pandering solely to his too-small base, which means he’s losing and he has no idea how to turn things around. Don’t let him fool you into thinking he has a plan for winning. He doesn’t. If he did, he’d be carrying it out, instead of trying to delude himself into believing he’s magically going to win.

– How ridiculously unsafe was Donald Trump’s Jacksonville rally last night? An NFL game also took place in Jacksonville last night, and only a fraction of the seats were allowed to be filled with socially distanced fans. By NFL standards, that’s on the least safe end of the spectrum; many NFL teams aren’t allowing any fans at their games. Yet last night’s football game in Jacksonville was handled more safely and responsibility than the President of the United States’ campaign rally. Tells you all you need to know.

Note from Bill Palmer: I need your help! Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Help me make it happen:
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