Tinker Tailor Trumper Spy

Dear Palmer Report readers: we need to raise $3,983 to continue our fight against Trump. Click here to donate what you can. Sincerely, Bill Palmer

I must say, growing up, one thing I never thought I’d be writing about is a President of the United States who is under investigation for espionage. Think about it. It’s the ultimate in nightmare scenarios. Donald Trump, traitor, liar, and possibly committer of espionage? And where the the GOP on this matter?

We don’t know. You see, friends and readers, the cats have the tongues of the not-so-grand old party. The GOP is tottering about, lying as Trumpers are known to do or not commenting at all.

A few of them are attacking the Department of Justice. The whole party is splintering, they’re all on different pages, and it is quite interesting, not to mention amusing, watching the Republican party lie their collective asses off.

Some have adopted a tone of righteous indignation. Elise Stefanik is lambasting the DOJ and has even managed to make herself LOOK outraged — perhaps she should have been an actress. Kevin McCarthy has done his great vanishing act and is no doubt filled with misery, hoping desperately that this event is short-lived.

Only it won’t be. This is going to be a lengthy investigation, ending in Trump’s indictment, possibly even before the midterms. And even if it is not before, the shadow of all of it will hang over the lying band of Trump supporters, and they know it.

But what can the hapless birds of a feather do? They are bound together in treachery, protecting a lying megalomaniac who doesn’t give a damn about them. That takes precedence over little things like honesty, the rule of law, and love of the Constitution.

The GOP seems to have decided — if they can’t beat Trump, join him — in his web of deceit and lying. And in my opinion, that makes the Trumpers traitors too. It is the same as it would be if they helped Trump cover up a bank robbery or a murder. They tinker around, supporting a traitor they cannot stand, lying and lying and lying. And this will all come back to them and cost them the midterms.

Dear Palmer Report readers: we need to raise $3,983 to continue our fight against Trump. Click here to donate what you can. Sincerely, Bill Palmer