“Time to lawyer up” for Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner

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Since late 2019 it’s been clear that the Manhattan District Attorney was going to end up indicting Donald Trump if he lost the 2020 election. Since early 2020 it’s been clear that the Manhattan DA was going to indict Allen Weisselberg and others around Trump in order to get them to flip on Trump. But it’s been less clear whether the DA was also targeting Trump’s family.

That may have just changed yesterday when the Manhattan DA indicted and arrested Ken Kurson, a close associate and former employee of Jared Kushner. Kushner is not implicated in Kurson’s alleged crimes. Nor is anyone named Trump. But Kushner and Trump considered Kurson important enough that Trump gave him a federal pardon on his way out the door in order to keep him out of federal prison.

Of course presidential pardons don’t apply to state charges, so if Kurson is convicted, then he’s bound for prison on cyberstalking charges. Given the evidence-heavy nature of computer related crimes, Kurson has good reason to be worried. And if he decides to cut a plea deal, he’ll have to flip on the bigger fish around him.

Former New York Assistant Attorney General Tristan Snell tweeted this after the Kurson news broke: “Dear Ivanka and Jared: Iโ€™d say the time to lawyer up is right about …. now.”

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