“Throw everybody under the bus”
There are few people who know the psyche of Donald John Trump better than Mary Trump. And Mary Trump has a prediction. Speaking on “The Mary Trump show,” she predicted Donald Trump would or could “throw everybody under the bus” in an effort to save himself.
Mary was answering a viewer’s question. This person had asked her whether it was possible, as the legal net got closer to Donald Trump, whether Trump could throw everyone under the bus should it come to that. And she answered in the affirmative.
“Absolutely,” Mary said. “Donald would throw everybody under the bus in a second.” Mary then pondered whether the people around Trump would be “smart enough, or cold blooded enough, or strategic enough to flip on him.”
Mary Trump is usually right when it comes to Donald Trump. In fact, I can’t think of one occasion where she’s been wrong. And Trump is not capable of love. So it stands to reason he’d thrown anyone and everyone under the bus. He has no loyalty to anyone, so why wouldn’t he? But Mary Trump also said it wouldn’t matter. “He is the big fish,” Mary explained.
It’s true. The DOJ doesn’t care as much about the little aquatic animals. They want the big fish — the giant one — Donald John Trump himself. And judging by the way they are progressing, I think they’re going to get him.