Three things we have to be really careful about right now

With all the whiplash inducing political crosswinds we’re facing at the moment, I’m going to take a moment to urge caution on three specific fronts, any of which can steer you in the wrong direction right now if you’re not careful:
1) Numerous prominent Twitter pundits are insisting Democratic voters are enraged at a hapless Democratic Party. But out in the real world, the Democrats’ midterm poll numbers keep improving. Don’t let these clowns convince you we’re screwed and there’s nothing to fight for.
2) On the other side of that, Senate Democrats are now seeing some rosy poll numbers – perhaps too rosy. Don’t let these +9, +10 numbers in isolated polls lure you into complacency. You have to act like the competitive races are all TIED and start putting in the work accordingly.
3) There is currently an overwhelming media and pundit focus on 2024. This is all just ratings-driven empty hype, and is of zero relevance right now. Your focus MUST be entirely on winning in 2022, which is a couple months from now. Plenty of time to worry about 2024, after 2022.
It’s all about focusing on the things that are currently crucial and that you can actually make an impact on, and not letting others steer your focus toward nonsense. This is always the case to some extent. But right now, it’s far more important – and dangerous – than ever.
If we keep focused and put in the work and keep the House and even slightly expand the Senate, the next two years will be what we want them to be. If we get distracted and lose the midterms, the next two years will be 100% hell that’ll make us miss the current mixed landscape.
The difference between winning and losing the midterms is so narrow. We could be talking about a difference of a point or two, in each of nine Senate races and twenty House races. We’re literally talking about putting in the work to shift a bunch of races by maybe just one point. Let’s do this!