This will come back to bite them

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They’re not going to do it! We’re not allowing them to steal OUR joy. I speak, of course, of the media. As Bill Palmer pointed out, in these dwindling last few weeks, the sea monsters have seized the political ship and climbed aboard to lie, plunder, and try to steal our ship of joy

The media’s narrative (and I do occasionally watch, so you don’t have to) is to talk agonizingly and endlessly, like nails on a chalkboard, about Kamala Harris and her issues with young black men.

We—or I should say I—hear this over and over. Nearly EVERY segment has some sad-looking “journalist” or talking head propagating this garbage. Now, they do not discuss Trump’s problems with — well — with virtually every voting bloc. They rarely, if ever, mention that.

Nobody knows this better than David Plouffe. David Plouffe was former President Obama’s campaign manager, and these days, he’s working hard for Harris. He was interviewed just the other day, and he himself said that their internals look very good, that this race will be close, that many polls are junk polls and do not matter, and that it’d be nice if the MSM (Mainstream media) TALKED (for maybe five minutes — my words) about Trump’s difficulties with various voting blocs.

I doubt the media will. This is because they’re incorrigible. Incorrigible means they cannot change. Leopards do not change their spots, and this particular band of leopards has had their narrative set for a while now.

Think about it. What if the media started doing segments talking about how well Kamala was doing? That is something I imagine they’re unwilling to do because that might — big deep panicky breath — interfere with RATINGS — ratings, those pesky little sandwiches that their bosses need a BIG bite of, especially since the ratings for all of these networks have started to stink to high heaven in recent years.

So they go on — and on – and on — and on, lonely sirens boring the shit out of their dwindling audiences, but unable to stop singing their despondent songs of imminent doom. It would be funny were it not so tragic.

Of course, this writer wishes it were different. This writer really misses some of the old-school journalists who told it straight to the American people, who didn’t sell their souls to the biggest audience.

Alas, those days are gone! It will, of course, come back to bite these people in their hubris-swelled butts. Because they’re STILL losing viewers, they’re losing fed-up, intellectually intelligent VOTERS who want to see quality journalism, hear sensible words, view intelligent analysis, not bathe in the muddy waters of media in disarray.

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