This spells trouble for Matt Gaetz

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When one thinks of the name Matt Gaetz what comes to mind? For myself, it’s arrogance, Venmo payments, and odd-looking hair. And now it’s also plunging popularity. There is a new poll out, and it spells out some issues the high-haired Gaetz is having.

Per Florida Politics, the poll shows that the Democrat challenging Gaetz, Rebekah Jones, for his seat next year is not that far behind him. This poll, done by The Listener Group, shows that Gaetz is now firmly under 50% approval — not the place a Congressman would want to be.

The poll also shows Gaetz beating Jones by only 8 points. One might say, “8 points — that’s huge.’ But you see, it really isn’t. This is a very conservative area. AND it was found Jones, not Gaetz, holds the lead in 2 of three counties in the district.

Adding to the Venmo fan’s issues, a whopping 24% of voters are undecided! That’s a lot of undecideds. And in many, if not most cases, undecideds are known to break for the challenger. Of course, polls are just snapshots in time. And one would think Gaetz will be indicted well before the midterms.

But just looking at the poll, one can see danger signs flashing for Matt Gaetz. Because not that long ago, he was considered a virtual shoo-in, and now he’ll have to fight like mad even to have a sliver of a chance to hold onto that seat. Good job, Rebekah Jones.

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