This might be the biggest medical scandal in presidential campaign history

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It was already a massive scandal that Donald Trump has been routinely displaying symptoms so consistent with advanced dementia. Whereas President Biden gets tongue tied (he always has), Trump spends most of his time talking about how he’d rather get electrocuted than eaten by a shark, how Hannibal Lecter is a real (and great and also dead) person, and how Nikki Haley is Nancy Pelosi. But now this is a much, much bigger scandal.

A week and a half ago, Donald Trump was shot at by a gunman and left the stage with blood all over this ear and face. He’s still wearing a gigantic bandage in his public appearances, suggesting a fairly serious injury. Yet Trump’s camp claims that he didn’t even so much as need stitches.

So which is it? Either Trump had nothing more than a superficial cut on his ear and is now wearing a giant bandage in order to pretend he was seriously injured, or Trump was in fact seriously injured and he’s unwilling to provide a medical update on it. All we’ve gotten so far is a cartoonish letter this afternoon from House Republican Ronny Jackson, who is not Trump’s doctor – and even that letter provided no answers.

Either way, it’s a massive scandal. Donald Trump is either faking a serious injury from a shooting, or he’s trying to cover up a serious injury from a shooting. How do we know, for instance, that one of those glass shards didn’t injure his brain? Trump did sound more lifeless and confused than ever during a stunningly listless convention speech.

It’s long past time for the major media outlets to start running headlines about how Donald Trump is trying to cover up whatever really happened to him in the shooting. Where’s the medical report? This is a massive scandal and coverup, and it’s time for the media to do its job. Donate to Palmer Report via PayPal or GoFundMe.

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