This just keeps getting uglier for George Santos

Note from Bill Palmer: I need your help! Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Help me make it happen:
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Liars can be found everywhere. They often hide among us. We see them but do not always see what is percolating inside them. Some liars tell little white fibs, tiny grains of untruths, that can be explained away. But for others, such lies are more serious. These lies become pervasive, taking over the liar’s life, sweeping away any reality until the lies — like a giant and repulsive disease, become the central point of existence.

And there is no question that is what happened to George Santos. Who knows if he was born a liar or if lying was an acquired skill he picked up along his journey through life. But there can be no doubt that the man is a liar and not much else.

Palmer Report has covered all these lies in vivid detail. But a new lie has surfaced. Is anyone really surprised? George Santos claimed his mother died on 9/11. How horrible. But that, like everything else the man says, raises new questions. Because it turns out Santos also tweeted his mother died in December 2016 — that’s obviously many years after 9/11. Yashar Ali found the tweets. They have been confirmed to be authentic.

2021: “9/11 claimed my mother’s life.” Santos tweeted.

Five months later: “December 23rd this year marks 5 years since I lost my best friend and mentor. Mom, you will live forever in my heart.”

That would make it the year 2016. On the liar’s campaign website, it says his mother was in the south tower on 9/11 but passed away from cancer a few years later. So what to think? Well, this tells me there is nothing Santos will not lie about — absolutely nothing.

No matter how sick, twisted, or disgusting, Santos will lie. He doesn’t embellish. He lies and lies big time. And there will be more lies. There always is with creatures like this. It’s time for him to resign.

Note from Bill Palmer: I need your help! Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Help me make it happen:
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