“This isn’t the real Oprah” – Donald Trump goes all the way off the deep end

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One of the challenges of covering Donald Trump is that no matter what incoherent thing he says or how cognitively incompetent he becomes, there is always an attempt at spinning his words into something, well sane. For instance the New York Times often replaces Trump’s gibberish rambling with actual policy positions, thus giving the false appearance that Trump is coherently taking positions. Plenty of other news outlets do the same, to varying degrees.

Since Trump’s rallies are rarely aired on mainstream television, and most of his social media ramblings are buried on his own social network, most Americans are simply not aware of how far gone Trump is. That’s why it came as such a shock to so many Americans when they tuned in for the debate and Trump spent the whole time talking about eating dogs and other unhinged gibberish. But anyone who routinely pays close attention to Trump’s ramblings wasn’t surprised by the debate at all.

Yet even now that Trump has outed himself as 100% mentally incompetent during the debate, the “sane washing” of Trump’s gibberish continues Even when you post Trump’s actual words in order to demonstrate how far gone he is, others will still step in and try to assign some kind of coherent or sane meaning to Trump’s insane rambling.

For instance, this past weekend Donald Trump posted a Truth Social rant about Oprah Winfrey. He said that when he was watching Oprah’s interview with Kamala Harris, “I couldn’t help but think this isn’t the real Oprah.” Some folks are saying oh, well, he must have meant it metaphorically. But come on. This is a guy who thinks Nikki Haley is Nancy Pelosi. He thinks Biden is Obama. He thinks the Speaker of the House is his doctor. He thinks Hannibal Lecter is a real person. When he says that the Oprah-looking person on TV with his opponent “isn’t the real Oprah,” are we really supposed to believe that this guy is talking metaphorically? Given the context of everything else that comes out of his mouth, doesn’t it seem more likely that his broken brain has concluded that the Oprah who’s turned against him is literally not Oprah, but an imposter? It’s not a big leap – at all.

The problem isn’t just that a major party nominee for President of the United States is so deep into dementia that he appears to be suffering from paranoid delusions about Oprah Winfrey being replaced by an imposter. The real problem is that far too few people want to admit it. We still don’t hear anyone on television, outside of late night comedians, using the word “dementia” in relation to Donald Trump. We still have people telling us that Trump is merely being metaphorical when he starts saying things that sound like dementia induced paranoid delusions. Trump’s mental incompetence is still being sane washed. It’s time we start pushing back against those in the media and elsewhere who are still trying to cover for Trump’s glaring and worsening mental incompetence.

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