This is the most limp dick power grab of all time

When the courts ruled this past weekend that the Trump regime was not allowed to deport people based solely on their nation of origin, a group of Venezuelan deportees was already in the air. The Trump regime refused to turn the plane around, sparking widespread headlines about a “constitutional crisis.”
I’ve got news for you. It’s always a constitutional crisis when Donald Trump is involved. Any time an unhinged criminal is in power, he’s going to try to seize more power. But as far as power grabs go, this is turning out to be a rather impotent one.
The Trump regime is now arguing to the court that it couldn’t turn the plane around because it was already in international waters by the time the ruling came down. In other words the Trump regime isn’t so much trying to establish a power grab here, but is instead merely relying on a technicality to try to avoid getting in legal trouble for not having turned the plane around. This is right up there with “my dog ate my homework.” It’s weak and it’s lame and it defines everything the Trump regime has done so far.
This comes even as Trump has his allies in Congress introducing a resolution to impeach the federal judge who issued the ruling. But given that there would never be the two-thirds vote required to remove the judge, there is literally zero chance that Trump will be able to get this or any other judge removed. In other words this is all just for show, and is once again rather impotent.
Trump is also melting down on social media about the judge in question. But again, so what? Angry rants and personal insults are not going to intimidate any federal judges or chase them out of office. It’s simply not happening. If Trump had anything more potent than empty impeachment fantasies and angry tweets, he’d be using it. This is the opposite of potent.
None of this is to downplay the egregiousness of Donald Trump and his regime. Trump very much wants to seize power and make himself emperor in the absolute. But as far as attempted power grabs go, this is about as limp dick as it gets. What we keep seeing is that Trump and his henchmen are too weak and too incompetent to fully pull off what they’re trying to pull off. It’s why we have to keep fighting. Trump is defeatable. If we fight every battle against him, we’ll win many of them. So let’s keep fighting.