This is not going away

Dear Palmer Report readers, this is an uncertain time so I'm asking for your help. If you can each contribute $5 or $25 or $75 – whatever matches your budget – to help with Palmer Report’s ongoing operating expenses, it’ll help a lot. Thank you so much. Contribute here. Much thanks, Bill Palmer

One of the issues that will be prominent in the 2024 election is the GOP banning of books. President Biden has made it clear — very clear — that this will be a part of his campaign. Of all the subjects I have covered for the Palmer Report, this particular subject — book banning is the most deeply personal for me.

Writers often write about what they know, their own personal experiences, so allow me to tell you a bit about one of mine. Books saved my life. When I was going through my school years, I often had issues. This is because, as testing would reveal, I was born with less depth perception than many, and this lack of depth perception interfered a great deal with my learnings.

Things like having my writing be neat and stay within the lines were excruciating for me. Some of you are aware of my lack of depth perception. What few are aware of is that Reading saved me.

Teachers were baffled by my issues. So, I was tested. It was the tests that picked up my lack of depth perception. But what the tests also picked up was that I was gifted in a certain academic field — Reading.

My Reading vocabulary was very advanced during my years, yet teachers could not understand my jagged handwriting! Back when I attended school, things like testing were not done often. Had it not been for those tests, I might not have graduated from high school at all.

My love of the written word had gotten me, though. But it does not get EVERY child through. I have seen, with my own eyes, pictures of lonely school libraries without books and of classrooms without the written word. I have seen them in parts of Florida. I have seen them in Texas.

I do not share my story with you lightly. I chose to do it because of the children. Right now, there are likely children who also have my love of reading but have no books to read.

I am certain there are children whose love of the written word would help them soar, to spread their wings, and to fly into infinite possibilities. This is why President Biden is making this a part of his campaign. This is why I am writing about this subject.

Books save lives. Literature changes people; it changes them only for the better. I will not list for you all of the authors who have been targeted by this beastly practice republicans are engaging in. But I’ll say I read about more and more books being banned weekly.

It is not going away unless WE vote these people OUT. Libraries are children’s castles that soothe their inner chaos and allow them to find their own Narnia’s, their own knowledge, and their own dreams. Republicans do not want children to think. They seek to stop children from thinking for themselves. We must never let that happen.

Dear Palmer Report readers, this is an uncertain time so I'm asking for your help. If you can each contribute $5 or $25 or $75 – whatever matches your budget – to help with Palmer Report’s ongoing operating expenses, it’ll help a lot. Thank you so much. Contribute here. Much thanks, Bill Palmer