This is just ugly for the Republicans

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Bill Palmer
Palmer Report

“Republicans suddenly realize Alabama’s IVF ruling is bad for them.” That is the headline from the Huffington Post. I could easily find twenty or more just like it. The subject of IVF is proving to be a nightmare for Republicans. After all, they still need a coherent answer on abortion. Now they’ve got In Vitro fertilization to worry about as well.

And they need to figure out what to say. In the aftermath of one of the worst Court rulings in recent memory, Republicans are all over the place, — as usual, in what comes out of their mouths. Some GOPers are pretending to be indignant, saying the ruling is not right!

Some are expressing support for it. Others like Tommy Tuberville,, one of Alabama’s stupidest, does not seem to know what In Vitro Fertilization actually IS. But a memo went out on Friday.

In this memo to Republicans, they are advised to “go all in” on their support for IBF. “Clearly, state your support for IVF and fertility-related issues.” How is it that Republicans have to be TOLD what to do and what to say?

They’re like little boys looking around for help. I mean, these people are adults! They should not need MEMOS to tell them how to EMPATHIZE and what to say! It would be shaming for them, that is, if Republicans were able to feel shame.

What will be interesting are the 2024 debates. They will be fascinating because you’d better believe everyone will get asked about IVF, and no two Republicans will have the same answer.

And BECAUSE — because this particular group of republican misfits is so bloody incompetent we KNOW — without question — that at least one (probably more) will say something that will become an instant news story.

That’s because the Republicans are acting. They’re starring in their own absurd play that they’re sleepwalking through and that is the process of trying to act human. They’ve even got the script, as shown in this ridiculous memo.

Ah, but there’s one thing no memo can do. No memo, speech, or carefully crafted sound bites can give humanity to those who do not already have it. It’s an impossible quest that nobody could complete. To be an empathetic, soulful member of society, one needs empathy and soul; The GOP has neither.

Therefore, it’s a given that the Republican Party will fail miserably at trying to answer questions about IVF like they’ve failed at virtually everything in the last few years.

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Bill Palmer
Palmer Report