This is just ugly for Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell

Senator Mitch McConnell is one of the most unpopular politicians in the country. Donald Trump is the worst President we’ve ever had. So then one might think these two would click. After all, they have much in common — dishonesty, ruthlessness, cruelty — little things like that.
Only they didn’t click – ever. The turtle obviously despises Trump. It’s evident in his voice, his body language, and his mannerisms. So it shouldn’t be any surprise that the book “This will not pass: Trump, Biden, and the Battle for America’s future” by Johnathan Martin and Alex Burns appears to corroborate this.
According to the book, McConnell was desperately hoping that the insurrection had destroyed Trump’s hold over the GOP.
“I feel exhilarated by the fact that this fellow finally, totally discredited himself,” said the turtle jubilantly. “He put a gun to his head and pulled the trigger,” Mitch laughed. “Couldn’t have happened at a better time,” he added. Of course, friends, readers, you know that this did not turn out the way the turtle had hoped.
The reasons why it didn’t are a combination of things, but one of the biggest reasons is — the turtle himself. In the immediate aftermath, McConnell had power over the GOP. If he’d stuck to his guns — in public as well as private — perhaps Trump’s name would now be a distant memory. Only that isn’t what the turtle chose to do, now is it?
He may not want to admit it, but — Mitch was as feckless as the brood of chickens he “leads.” He lacked the will. He couldn’t stand up to Trump.
Bullies are always a problem because their outer bravado scares many. And that is precisely what bullies — like Trump — want.
McConnell has his chance –to stand up and repudiate Trump — ousting him from the party once and for all. It’s clearly what he wanted. It’s what he craved. But in the end, Mitch caved to his cowardice. He couldn’t press the “delete” button. He couldn’t find his voice.
It must be a bitter pill for the turtle to swallow, that pill being at the end of the day, his utter cowardice and acquiescence to the man he despises most will be what he is most remembered for.