This is just ugly for Donald Trump and JD Vance

Have you, friends and readers, ever heard this quote? “A hypocrite is the kind of politician who would cut down a redwood tree, then mount the stump and make a speech for conservation.” – Adial Stevenson
It is an excellent quote to take to heart. And in politics, we see our share of hypocrisy. So allow me to tell you a story. This story is a fine example of the type of person Stevenson was speaking about. And like with many hypocrites, this person’s hypocrisy and duel nature are coming back to bite.
This week Donald Trump finally endorsed someone in the Republican Senatorial race in Ohio. The person he chose to endorse is JD Vance. I’ve written about Vance before. Author of the book “Hillbilly Elegy,” Vance came off at one time as an intelligent and somewhat nuanced politician. He was also a never-Trumper — in his own words.
But alas, Vance has chosen to enter the sticky and complex world of politics. And because he needs Republican voters to like him, he has carefully curated an image of a tough-talking and bitterly angry Maga who loves Trump and everything he stands for.
There is a problem, though. And that problem is fate. There is also the problem of the past coming back to haunt.
Fate surfaced shortly after the endorsement — and it laughed in Vance’s face.
You see, hypocrites often lead exhausting lives. And many times, said hypocrites forget — or willfully push away — memories of their hypocrisy. Only the truth usually cannot be contained.
“America’s Hitler.” These were the flashy words seen by many an image on Facebook. The words were written about Trump. And I happen to agree with them. The writer of these words? JD Vance back before hypocrisy grabbed hold of him. Josh McLaurin, a former roommate of Vance’s, tweeted out the image.He reportedly felt people should know the real Vance.
More from Vance: “We are, whether we like it or not, the party of lower-income, lower education white people.”
Vance also pondered whether Trump was just a “cynical assh#le or America’s Hitler.” Vance has twisted himself into a pretzel to get Trump’s endorsement. He got it. But he forgot about hypocrisy which usually doesn’t sleep for long before it reveals itself — and also reveals the hypocrite behind the words.