This is just ugly for Clarence Thomas

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The Supreme Court is dirty. The Supreme Court is corrupt. The Supreme Court isn’t the Supreme Court anymore — it’s a court of corruption and deal-making, a court that is compromised, a court with two members in particular who never should have been there in the first place.

Samuel Alito, a man who probably came out of the womb, fixated on stealing women’s rights. And Clarence Thomas. Thomas, a man who once claimed to be a simple kind of man, a man who enjoys hanging out at Walmart watching people go in and out of the store, a man who scorns lavishness, a down-to-earth and kindly man who is baffled by materialism, who never met a Walmart parking lot he didn’t like, a gentleman, a man of the people!

Clarence Thomas is not a man of the people. Clarence Thomas is a corrupt and arrogant man who cares about MONEY — who does not disregard luxury but embraces it, who covets wealth and pretty things — expensive things, to go with the lifestyle he imagines he deserves — and if he has to lie to get those things o so be it.

Is there ANY end to the scandals this man has? I doubt it. Apparently, per ProPublica, Thomas was in debt. Thomas was in debt and wanted MULA. So he threatened to resign from the court if his finances didn’t get better. Yes, a man of the people this one is!

“One or more justices will leave soon” Clarence reportedly declared. They will leave if they are not given more money. He said this to Republican Cliff Stearns in 2000. But soon after his temper tantrum about money, Conservatives began giving Thomas things — lavishing him with gifts, offering opulent presents, sumptuous gifts, and glitzy vacations. Hmm.

I feel an apology is in order to the American people for the fact that this person, this pretender actually made it onto the Supreme Court. Sometimes, the bad apples do slip through the cracks.

Nothing would make me happier than Clarence Thomas’s resignation. Perhaps it will happen. Thomas doesn’t give a damn what WE think, but many in the legal world find this revolting, and find HIM revolting. And it doesn’t appear his scandals are slowing down at all.

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