This is just sad

Dear Palmer Report readers: we need to raise $3,983 to continue our fight against Trump. Click here to donate what you can. Sincerely, Bill Palmer

There was a question asked on social media a few days ago. If your brain looked like your thoughts, what would be its image? My answer was my brain would look like millions of election ballots all colored blue. I imagine many of you might answer the same.

And then I read an article about Lindsey Graham, and it got me thinking. What does the man THINK about? What does he DO with his days? Graham’s world is a vast field of total emptiness. Except for meanness. That is one thing that is for sure. Lindsey Graham is becoming meaner. That is evidenced by the following story.

Graham was in Ohio, campaigning there for republicans when he made the Maga audience hoot and jeer with laughter. The reason this particular audience laughed so hard is that Graham suggested that if republicans win and Gym Jordan chairs the house judiciary, there will then follow mass suicides: “There are going to be people jumping off bridges in San Francisco by the thousands,” Graham declared.

Maga laughed just what one might expect. They laughed. Because in the world of maga, I have no doubt suicide IS something to laugh about. Graham, in recent months, has been getting more and more mean, to the point where there is virtually nothing left of his former personality.

But leading an audience in laughing about suicide is undeniably cruel and not something I’d have expected of him. Graham doesn’t care anymore; it would seem. About simple common decency, about really much of anything.

Graham is not a happy man. We can see it. But this behavior is only going to push him further into Magas’s world and make him even more sullen and malcontent. It’s a pity. I imagine if one were to look at Lindsey’s thoughts, one would see nothing but emptiness.

Dear Palmer Report readers: we need to raise $3,983 to continue our fight against Trump. Click here to donate what you can. Sincerely, Bill Palmer