This is just pathetic

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Since President Joe Biden made the historic, selfless act of announcing he will no longer run for reelection and enthusiastically endorse Vice President Kamala Harris, the Republican Party has been spiraling out of control. While many GOP leaders have been stunned into silence, some are not skipping a beat to remind us just how out of touch, dangerous, and deranged their party is.

On Tuesday, Tennessee Rep. Andy Ogles figured he would file new articles of impeachment against Harris, apparently just because she’s now a real threat to Trump’s second fascist term and Ogles feels he has to make headlines. Contrast this to how then-Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi approached Trump’s first impeachment cautiously for months, finally stating in early 2019 “He’s just not worth it” until there was “something so compelling and overwhelming and bipartisan.” By the way, in case you haven’t heard of Ogles, he was just caught after falsely claiming he loaned his campaign $320,000.

Rep. Tim Burchett, another Tennessee Republican, decided to attack Harris this week by calling her a “DEI hire,” referring to diversity, equity, and inclusion programs. Not only is Harris eminently qualified and experienced to be President and Vice President, but this is yet another example of how the GOP is stooping to the sewers in the hope of riling up the base.

Even as a matter of strategy, these actions are pathetic. While Biden, Harris, and others in the Democratic Party are showing mature leadership, those who are speaking up for the Republican Party are advertising that they don’t have serious plans for the nation and have zero interest in unity, even in the wake of Donald Trump’s assassination attempt. With little more than 100 days left until the election, Trump and the GOP appear to be running on noxious fumes.

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