This is just embarrassing for Newsmax

There do not seem to be many limits when it comes to fake news networks and their desire for viewers. A good example of that desperation can be found with Newsmax. For those not familiar with Newsmax — they’re a Right-wing propaganda company that makes Fox non-news look perfectly harmless.
Newsmax is the poison of choice for many a dazed Maga. And their ratings are still not quite up to snuff. Still, that in no way justifies what they put on their television screens.
And recently, during a Newsmax segment, a really strange image appeared on screen, as strange images are known to do.
On April 20, they were doing a segment. This segment was about black conservatives in today’s America.
Not a bad choice, right? Well — not quite.
You see, NewsMax appeared to be having a difficult time actually FINDING black conservatives. The pickings seemed to be slim.
What’s a fake news network to do?
How about — MORE fake news?
Apparently, that is the decision Newsmax settled on. Because they did, in fact, put up a graphic of black conservatives. It did not take long for alert viewers to see the issue.
One of the conservatives they chose to highlight was Herman Cain.
Another was Ben Shapiro.
You see the problem, do you not, dear readers?
Herman Cain is no longer with us.
Ben Shapiro is white.
Their images appeared with the words “Left considers Black conservatives to be traitors.”
All hell broke loose.
“The Newsmax research department needs to improve their fact-checking.”
“You need help, Newsmax.”
“Heavens to Murgatroyd.”
Many people just appeared to be to baffled to even joke about it. And many said what others were thinking.
“They think Ben Shapiro is black?”
“They think Herman Cain is alive?”
I do find it amusing when an alt-right network goes bananas, and the joke’s on them. In this case, it was a triple dose of banana insanity.