This is just embarrassing for Megyn Kelly

Dear Palmer Report readers: we need to raise $3,983 to continue our fight against Trump. Click here to donate what you can. Sincerely, Bill Palmer

I’ve never liked labels. Labels can be dangerous, especially when a non-political party like the Republicans is the one holding the labels. Labeling can make or break a political campaign, and labels, as unfair as they might be, can often stick tightly to whoever is the victim of such labels. One of the labels that irk me the most is the “defund the police” label.

The insurrection party happens to have skill in sticking labels on Democrats and making sure they do not slide off. It is about the ONLY thing the non-party is good at. In the case of the “defund the police” label, this was unfair labeling at its best, but sadly many people bought into the myth.

And we must throw off the label, rip it from our skin, shed it, and never let ourselves wear that label again. Some still persist in using that label to smear us. Here is a tweet from has-been Megyn Kelly doing just that.

“It’s somewhat satisfying to see the clueless “defund the police” crowd come back begging for help. The truth is, however, lives were lost bc of their idiotic policies & voters should hold them to account.”

Behold the labeling. It is important to understand that though Kelly is no longer a media star, she still has many followers. At last count, it was around 2.5 million. Now some of them are folks who laugh at her, to be sure. But not all of them.

What sticks out to me is that Kelly, who calls herself “in the middle” politically, is NOT in the middle, or she’d never have tweeted this.

Indeed, the insurrection party hates the blue. Now I submit that WE must label THEM. And we must get better at making sure our labels stick firmly in place and do not fall off.

Think about it. Who in the GOP, besides Cheney and Kinzinger, has expressed empathy for the wounded and dead officers of January 6?

The myth of Republicans backing the Blue is just that — a myth. But it is a myth that has gone on for years because we have not worked hard enough to stick them with the label of truth — and that is that most Republicans DO NOT GIVE A DAMN ABOUT POLICE AND NEVER HAVE.

So let’s expose them for what they are. We cannot afford to be on defense come 2022. And we certainly cannot afford to fend off misleading labels and outright lies that are little more than made-up fantasies by a failing party of traitors who have nothing else.

Dear Palmer Report readers: we need to raise $3,983 to continue our fight against Trump. Click here to donate what you can. Sincerely, Bill Palmer