This is just embarrassing for GOP Senator Tim Scott

The hypocrisy of the Republican non-party never ceases to amaze me. Many in the cult of GOP ate infuriated that President Biden gets to nominate a Supreme Court Justice. So they’re smearing her in the only way the cult knows how — make her race an issue. It’s not fair they howl. It’s not right.
Sure it is, insurrectionist supporters. It’s incredibly fair. But the GOP does not want to hear it. However, South Carolina Senator Tim Scott had NO issue announcing he’d be a heck of a running mate for Assolini should he run in 2024. Appearing this weekend on Fox non-news, Scott was happy to muse about the future.
“Everybody wants to be on President Trump’s bandwagon” Scott piped in. “Without any question,” he added. Now let’s just think about this, shall we? I would bet that if Trump were to run — and he won’t — he’d have no issue playing up Scott’s race. And I’d also bet the GOP would suddenly find themselves talking it up as well.
Tim Scott is someone I initially thought had potential on the GOP side. I don’t believe that now. Scott gave the GOP response to Biden’s first State of the Union, and it was horrible. I watched the whole thing and even wrote an article about it. I simply couldn’t believe how robotic and amateurish he sounded.
And Scott would never — ever — be able to get the minority vote. I can’t see that happening under any circumstances.
However, this doesn’t mean that certain pundits who have nothing better to do than manufacture talking points that aren’t real (looking at you, Chuck Todd) won’t run with it. But it was almost amusing to see especially given the response to Biden’s as of yet unannounced nominee.
These GOP responses have ranged from absolute indignation to hysteria to blatant racism, such as Ted Cruz recently saying Biden nominating a woman of color might be illegal. So on this issue, like virtually every single other issue the GOP gets involved in — they have nothing to offer the discussion except dizzying verbal vomit of the most disgusting kind.