This is just embarrassing for Donald Trump

There appears to be no end to the Donald Trump grift. Far from ending, the orange-tipped traitor appears to be getting creative in finding new and inventive ways of ripping off his followers. The latest takes the cake.
The “American Freedom Tour.” That is who is hosting Trump’s latest venture into grift-land. They are calling it “motivational speeches.” That’s right — the Lord of the Lies now fancies himself as a motivational speaker. Sometimes the truth is stranger than fiction, especially where Trump is concerned.
Now let’s take a look at the price tag attached to these historical and mighty events (sarcasm). Trump fans can see their leader in person! For just the low price of $4,995 dollars, they can see it all.
If you think that is a rather expensive price to pay to see an orange has-been scream his hatred for all to see — you are correct. But you see, for the one doing the con, they know their audience. The marks — in this case, anyone crazy enough to actually pay this preposterous price, they will be almost $5,000 poorer.
This is being called the “Presidential package.” How quaint. Then there is the Patriot package — listed ABOVE the Presidential package. No price is included for that one on the site.
This package includes getting one’s photo taken with Assolini. How awesome! Now let’s get to the most sickening aspect of this pile of poo. On the site, these gifts are being billed as: “a celebration of faith, family, unalienable rights and God-Given American freedoms.”
The freedom to take all of your supporters’ money? This whole story makes me feel a bit ill, but it isn’t only Trump’s fault. We have a plethora of individuals who genuinely believe EVERYTHING this “man” says. They drool over him. His wicked dreams are their own. Even if said dreams turn into abundant nightmares.
The people who would pay to see this shit-show have been warned. They have been warned over and over by Politicians, by pundits, by regular people — and by Donald Trump himself in his “Snake poem,” which warns against the poisonous bite of the snake — himself. Snakes have a vicious bite, and so do failed insurrectionists. The grift continues.