This is just embarrassing for Alina Habba

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Donald Trump has one legal team defending him in the courtroom in his criminal trial, and another legal team defending him in public. Unfortunately for him, neither team seems to be making any headway. But the real trouble for Trump is that his public relations attorney, Alina Habba, is just terrible at this.

Habba is now claiming that people are stopping her on the street and asking her what Trump is even charged with. Wait, what? Is she for real right now? For one thing, aside from the people who watch cable news all day, no one on the street is going to recognize her to begin with. So this whole claim is absurd.

If Alina Habba’s job is to go on TV and tell believable phony stories on Donald Trump’s behalf, then she’s not even any good at that. Simply put, her claims don’t pass the laugh test.

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