This is just disgusting

Dear Palmer Report readers, this is an uncertain time so I'm asking for your help. If you can each contribute $5 or $25 or $75 – whatever matches your budget – to help with Palmer Report’s ongoing operating expenses, it’ll help a lot. Thank you so much. Contribute here. Much thanks, Bill Palmer

Let me start by saying I have never liked Joe Scarborough. I began watching YouTube repeats of his show fairly late in the game, after he married his co-host Mika, daughter of Jimmy Carter’s national security advisor Zbigniw Brzezinski. I watched his show because it was occasionally informative and they sometimes featured important guests. I also recently found out that President Biden watched Morning Joe as his first news of the day.

But, personally, I could never stand the guy and his smug arrogance. I especially hated how he treated his wife, constantly interrupting her and talking over her with a kind of cringeworthy, impatient disdain. It seemed to me that he just couldn’t hide the obvious fact that he is an asshole. Every time she spoke you could tell she was full of anticipation anxiety, waiting for and resenting the coming interruption. She seemed beaten down and unsure of herself on that account.

Then there were the stories that Scarborough was a two-faced jerk. I didn’t know what to make of those. I never had any direct evidence that he was. Until now.

Remember, this is a guy who has made a recent career out of calling Donald Trump a dangerous fascist. So somebody needs to tell me what the hell were Joe and Mika doing when they recently went down to Trump’s filthy golf motel, Mar-a-Lardo, to kiss Trump’s ass? That’s right, turns out they privately met with Hitler-elect Trump last Friday, and only just got around to telling us about it.

“Joe and I went to Mar-a-Lago to meet personally with President-elect Trump,” Brzezinski told viewers of the meeting. “It was the first time we have seen him in seven years,” she added, as if they were somehow morally overdue.

Well I, for one, am not impressed, to say the least. What the hell are they doing going to Berchtesgaden West to meet with the most evil man on the planet? And here’s the point that everybody seems to be missing. What the hell were they doing meeting with him without cameras?

They’re news people for cryin out loud, not envoys of foreign governments. And now, as far as I’m concerned, they’re Trump collaborators, members of the Vichy sellout team, craven little Benedict Arnolds, dirty little Quislings. And I know why they’re doing it. They’re making nice so Trump doesn’t come after them. They want to protect their little fiefdom and the multiple millions of dollars they’ve already made isn’t enough. In the words of Patrick Henry, “Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery?”

They’re buttering up the fake-tanned, fake-haired, fake human being bastard because they’re terrified he’s going to pull their broadcasting license, or something. Well screw them. If you’re going to “kiss the ring” then you can also kiss my ass while you’re at it. I have no more patience with people like this. I have had it up to here with the normalisation of this fucking monster. Somebody has got to stand up and say it loud, clear and long: not only does the emperor have no clothes, he’s also the closest thing the human race has ever had to an actual Satan. And “you don’t shake the devil’s hand and say you’re only kidding.”

So you can add Morning Joe to the scrapheap of history. Those people just sold their souls on national television. I wonder who’s next. I don’t know, but you can bet it will be somebody. I don’t know what other people intend, but as for me, I refuse to give in to the national delusion. I refuse to pretend that any of this is normal. I refuse to acknowledge Trump as anything other than a felon, a rapist, a thief, a liar and a conman. I know a monster when I see one.

Dear Palmer Report readers, this is an uncertain time so I'm asking for your help. If you can each contribute $5 or $25 or $75 – whatever matches your budget – to help with Palmer Report’s ongoing operating expenses, it’ll help a lot. Thank you so much. Contribute here. Much thanks, Bill Palmer