This is how we win

Note from Bill Palmer: I need your help! Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Help me make it happen:
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I would REALLY like to know how long it will take for everything to fall apart again. I speak not just of the GOP House caucus but of the whole enchilada—the whole of the Republican party. One thing you may not know about me, dear readers, is that I used to work in sales.

I was trained to sell different goods and services during my rather long sales career. The training varied, however it all held one thing that was true no matter WHAT type of sales I did. Listening is the key to understanding.

To listen — to watch and to listen is how knowledge is inhaled. The person who talks the loudest and the most is not necessarily the one who listens the hardest. Politics is the ultimate sale, convincing millions to take a chance on one’s political party. LISTENING, therefore, is key to what WE, the activists, do. We listen to what the American people tell us.

But we also listen for weaknesses — from the other side. Right now, if you listen closely, there are a lot of weakness. These people despise each other. The GOP cannot STAND one another, and that is why they fight so very much. In real life, without the political specter hanging over them constantly, I suspect these people would never be friends. They can’t stop bickering for a minute.

A good example is Newt GIngrich, who called the Johnson holdouts “suicidally stupid.” He accused them of undermining their own side and raged and raged on Fox non-news about the stupidity so many in his party show.

“Astonishingly stupid,” Gingrich said. Although there are few I despise more than Newt, he happens to have a point. But he is dreaming if he thinks the dysfunction will ever stop.

Think of all that has gone on even before Trump’s taken office. It’s a pissing contest to see which GOP faction can go off the rails more. They are NOT in lockstep, not in unison, NOT soldiers marching to the beat of their unified drum — rather, they are centaurs — half human, half horse, galloping far, far, far away from unity and harmonious togetherness.

Republicans will come, and they will go, but the chaos — the absolute, incorrigible nature of the ones whom we run against is always there. There is a wide gaping hole in their party, first started years ago, before Trump ever came down that escalator. That hole is how we win. We watch it, listen to it, exploit it, and beat it.

Note from Bill Palmer: I need your help! Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Help me make it happen:
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