This is going to be good

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As of the time of this writing, Donald John Trump is still refusing to do the 60-minute interview. That’s the one he said yes to and then changed his mind. What a coward! What does he think is so awful that he won’t be able to answer? Everything?

That is likely so. We know Trump cannot answer questions, like a normal person. Did he answer even one question during the debate against Harris? No. So Trump will be at home, hiding his little face from public view, scared and jumpy as his competitor radiantly appears solo. Yes, the show will be ALL about Harris – because HARRIS has not backed out. HARRIS is not afraid.

Have you noticed that all these media pundits who howled about Harris not doing interviews(she’s done plenty) are conspicuously silent on Donald Trump’s cancellation? I mean — it ‘s noticeable and shows us just how hypocritical the media is — most of them.

Harris will be sitting down with Bill Whitaker. She is not afraid because she knows how to answer questions. But Trump is a scared little rabbit. Perhaps he’s so very scared that he’d be asked who won the 2020 election. THAT would pose a dilemma for him!

In other good news, Scott Pelley, the one originally scheduled to interview Trump, will address Trump’s absence the same night the Harris interview airs—on Monday evening. THAT will drive the little bastard crazy. Kamala is showing him up. A woman is showing him up! This is going to be good. Donate now

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