This is getting ugly for RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel

We Republicans will stick together! This declaration came Friday from GOP Chair Ronna McDaniel. Ronna in recent weeks has started to appear frantic. That is because many Republicans have come forward and are calling for McDaniel to step down.
But McDaniel, like some kind of marionette does not appear to want to do that. Hence the desperation. (And the groveling.) Truth be told, I don’t want McDaniel to step down because since she’s been in charge, the Republicans have basically lost every major race they try to win.
We have a major winning streak with McDaniel in charge so I’m kind of hoping that she stays in place. But recent Republican meetings, including one in Las Vegas, have descended into name-calling and quarreling with many Republicans blaming McDaniel for all the losses they have accrued.
I personally think the McDaniel is rather incompetent. But it’s not her fault alone and Republicans’ time would be better served putting the blame where it fits. And the bottom line is the Republicans keep losing because they have a traitorous, dementia ridden, asshole as the face of their party. As long as Donald Trump is their chosen leader Republicans will continue to lose and to lose and to lose.
The The fact that they don’t yet realize this is hilarious. In any event, whether they wind up getting rid of McDaniel or not, it’s not going to make any difference. The republican party is on fire – on fire with losing.
It’s been so long since the GOP had a winning streak that they may have forgotten how to do it. In any event, the story with McDaniel is hardly over as she provides the GOP with someone to blame.
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Bill Palmer
Palmer Report