This is getting old

We're leading the fight against Trump. We need to raise $2,931 this week to keep the fight going. Click here to donate $25 or $50 to the cause.

Now that the formal transition to President-elect Biden has begun, we’re all sleeping a bit easier knowing that Biden and his team are working behind the scenes with current government officials like Dr. Fauci in order to steer things in the right direction. It’s also a relief that Biden is now making more headlines, such as rolling out cabinet members. After all, the more column inches Biden takes up each day, the less room there is for Donald Trump’s antics.

The trouble, for the moment, is that this is a long holiday weekend. Biden is doing everything correctly. He held a televised event with several of his cabinet picks on Tuesday. He gave a national Thanksgiving address on Wednesday. But then came Thursday and Friday, and Trump took advantage of the holiday lull in the news cycle to try to temporarily steal back some attention for himself.

Fortunately for us, Trump and his handlers are as inept as ever, meaning we ended up getting a good laugh at his bizarre tiny desk stunt and his defensive meltdown when reporters dared to ask him when he’s going to concede. So it’s not as if Trump helped himself any by grabbing the spotlight; in fact he probably hurt himself by coming off so absurdly. But this is getting old.

Once this long holiday weekend is over, here’s hoping that the news cycle shifts further in the direction of President Biden. It’s not as if Trump is working particularly hard to earn the spotlight; mostly he’s just going golfing and occasionally pretending he’s still contesting the election. Trump is merely taking advantage of occasional easy moments to grab attention when he can. So the further we get into the Biden-elect era, the less attention Trump should end up getting. This upcoming week should be better for all of us.

We're leading the fight against Trump. We need to raise $2,931 this week to keep the fight going. Click here to donate $25 or $50 to the cause.