This is beyond salvation

Beyond salvation is a pretty strong term. It implies that the person — or political party — for whom the term is applied is beyond help — beyond saving. Is ANYTHING beyond saving? I believe the answer to that question is yes — some people — and some political parties are. Evidently, Journalist and Professor Tom Nichols think so too.
Nichols used to be a Conservative Republican. But then Trump happened. And Nichols declared he’d be voting for Hillary Clinton. He is a Never Trumper. And he’s written an article — saying that in his opinion, the GOP is beyond hope — “beyond salvation.”
Nichols uses the analogy of the state of the Soviet Communist Party to describe the current state of the GOP. That does not mean, as Nichols explains, that there are no more honorable Republicans who believe in the constitution. But as he describes it, there just aren’t ENOUGH of them.
“Romney, Cheney, and Kinzinger cannot rescue their party either — at least not in their current form,” he said soberly. And Nichols says that the GOP will pay a heavy price for being on board with the extremists’ “dark fantasies and deepening paranoia.”
I agree. Listen to this man — he has wisdom. The GOP has had plenty of time to denounce Trump and all the dark, lumbering crap that comes along with him. They haven’t done it. They may never do it. They don’t WANT to do it; it would seem. And yes — this leaves them “beyond salvation.”
For one can only be redeemed if one WANTS to be. One cannot change something — or someone — who clings stubbornly to their dark spiral. The GOP has first to WANT to go back to sanity. They have demonstrated time and again that they do not want that. Therefore — in their current iteration — they are and will stay beyond salvation.