This is a nightmare for Donald Trump and the GOP

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The GOP is having some issues — and that’s putting it mildly. Within the not-so-Grand-old party, there is squabbling. Members of the party are arguing and going against each other. The cake is caving in on itself.

It wasn’t supposed to be this way. The GOP was supposed to be the ones who were united. That appeared to be their plan anyway. But time passes, and things change. And for Republicans, much has changed — mainly due to one person. That person is their beloved “leader.” It is the supposed ticket to ride — the one person to whom Republicans have shown their eternal devotion. This “person” is Donald Trump.

But per The Hill, things aren’t working out so well with the direction the GOP has decided to go in. This is because Trump remains stubbornly focused on January 6 and talking about the past.

And now, for the GOP, many are starting to worry Trump will hurt their chances of taking back the House, the Senate — or both. “Trump is a problem for the midterms,” one Republican told The Hill.

Republicans worry that in an increasingly divided country, it won’t be possible for them to expand their base if Trump continues on his merry way.

But there is literally nothing the GOP can do. Support for Trump from their base is baked into the cake. And so Republicans find themselves in an odd position — they’re damned if they do and damned if they don’t. That’s just the way the cookie crumbles.

I feel not one ounce of sympathy for them. This is what happens to cowards. Sooner or later, they find themselves in untenable positions. We tried to warn them, but they didn’t listen. And the situation they now find themselves in results from their own pathetic hubris.

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