This doesn’t even make sense

We need to raise $1285 in the next 24 hours to keep the fight going against Trump. We must fight back as aggressively as possible. Trump and his henchmen are trying to destroy our democracy. Click here to donate whatever you can.

In Donald Trump’s troubled, added, and radioactively toxic mind, everything he doesn’t like is a vast conspiracy against him. This includes any news outlet which reports anything true that doesn’t go along with his fictional worldview. The trouble for Trump is that most of the nonsense he’d peddling doesn’t even make sense on its face.

For instance, after 60 Minutes aired an in depth segment on Sunday night which made clear that the coronavirus very probably originated in nature and not in a laboratory, Trump tweeted this:


Come on now. In Donald Trump’s mind, 60 Minutes is conspiring with the government of China because it wants to do business with China? Is Trump envisioning Lesley Stahl selling stuff out of the back of a truck or something? There are almost no words for how far gone this guy is.

We need to raise $1285 in the next 24 hours to keep the fight going against Trump. We must fight back as aggressively as possible. Trump and his henchmen are trying to destroy our democracy. Click here to donate whatever you can.