This Disney thing is backfiring on Ron DeSantis already

As Floridian Governor Ron DeSantis alienates the world by his ongoing quarreling with Mickey Mouse, the blow-back has been fierce. A Texas Judge has invited Disney to relocate to Texas. Calling Florida’s Governing “authoritarian and anti-business,” the Judge suggested the land of Magic move on down to Texas.
Colorado, too, has reached out to Disney. Colorado Governor Jared Polis has reached out to the Magic Kingdom and offered the beautiful mountains of Colorado as sanctuary against DeSantis.
“In Colorado, we don’t meddle in affairs of companies like @Disney or @Twitter.”
“We’re ready for Mountain Disneyland.”
Other whispers say Disney might possibly move some of its employees back to California. In the meantime, many Florida residents are not pleased with what DeSantis is doing, especially because it appears Florida residents might be the ones holding the tax bag.
“You don’t start fights with the mouse,” said one Twitter user.
“This is going to backfire on DeSantis,” said another Twitter user.
And letters in the “Palm Beach Post” indicate fury by some at DeSantis. All of this talk does not appear to bother DeSantis, who appears proud as a peacock for showing the world he is a spoiled and fascist nutcase.
I do not expect Disney to leave Florida, but you never know. And if DeSantis keeps needling them, maybe they will. Disney certainly has more fans than DeSantis though he appears oblivious to that.