Things just got jarringly ugly between Matt Gaetz and Kevin McCarthy

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It was always going to happen. I speak of the boiling, simmering hatred between Matt Gaetz and Kevin McCarthy. Few politicians seem to loathe each other as much as these two do. And you know what the sad thing is?

They’re both such creeps that there isn’t even anyone to root for. A confrontation behind closed doors on Thursday nearly brought the two men to blows. According to the media, Gaetz interrupted McCarthy while Kev had the floor. Kevin, livid, screamed to the hair-challenged Gaetz to sit down and shut up.

McCarthy confirmed to reporters he and Gaetz had words and said that “I think the entire conference screamed at him.” Kevin defended himself, saying he was speaking, and Gaetz purposely tried to interrupt him. He also denied raising his voice.

Kevin also seems to blame Gaetz for Gym not having the votes. But there is more from the fight club. Apparently, Republican Rep. Mike Bost of Illinois almost came to blows with Gaetz. This could be predicted, you know. Listen — what do stupid, incompetent people do when all their big power ideas go up in smoke? They turn on each other — naturally.

As for Gaetz, he said the Republican meeting behind closed doors was like an angry Thanksgiving meal. Then he labeled Bost the “drunk uncle.” These are the people in charge of the house, everyone! Get a nice long look at them in all their incompetence.

Do you know what I think? I think Republicans have lost the ability to think. After all, they haven’t thought for themselves in years. They’ve let Donald Trump think for them. It’s sort of like when one hasn’t driven in years or swam in years. One has to relearn certain things.

In the case of the GOP, they must somehow rewire their brains to think outside the box — inject a little creativity and imagination into their ideas of how to get out of the mess they’re in.

It MIGHT be easier to win Powerball than see THAT happen.

It’s like the GOP have lost all their brain power. I don’t see them getting it back anytime soon.

Note from Bill Palmer: I need your help! Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Help me make it happen:
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