They can’t even spoonfeed Donald Trump anymore

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To hear Donald Trump’s supporters say it, they like him because he tells it like it is. He isn’t afraid to run his mouth on his typically inane and incredibly wrong takes like thinking you can nuke a hurricane or that stealth pilots are actually invisible. Of course, whenever he says something that an aspiring autocrat would say – that repels any moderate leaning voter with sense – his supporters are quick to point out that you can’t actually take the guy who tells it like it is literally at his word. You’re going to see a whole lot of the latter as Trumpers try to clarify the former guy’s latest remark about his supporters never needing to vote again.

Fox News host Laura Ingraham is one of the more prominent people in that group, whose views have always been at least as abhorrent as anything on the Trump 2024 platform, so when she interviewed the former guy, she was determined to get him to clarify that he didn’t really mean a Trump victory in November would be the last election people would ever have to vote in when he made an appearance on her show Monday night.

Donald Trump was basically spoonfed all the right things to say to distance himself from this remark – that he really just meant he would only serve four more years as president, that he would’ve done a good job. Instead, he started rambling about something way less coherent, somehow claiming Christians rarely come out to vote (not true by any measure) and then going off on a vaguely anti-Semitic tirade about Jewish voters. It was so bad that Ingraham pushed him twice to clarify that he didn’t mean canceling future elections – and she just got more of the same inane rambling.

Among the things Donald Trump has always been consistent on, it’s been flagrantly lying, but on Monday he couldn’t even bring himself to do that and effectively bury a pretty obvious scandal. He’s not only got nothing – he can’t even effectively defend himself against the most obvious lines of attack when appearing on a friendly media station. If this isn’t a clear indication that we need to get behind the Democrats and drive up our numbers I don’t know what is. Let’s go out and win this on Nov 5 – make Vice President Harris into Madam President-elect and give her a Democratic House and Senate to govern.

ALERT: Palmer Report has led the way in political analysis for years. We have operating expenses from website hosting to research. We've launched a GoFundMe so you can help us to help you. Help Palmer Report fight and win political battles by donating any amount from $5 to $500, depending on your budget. Donate here.