They always cave in the end

Note from Bill Palmer: I need your help! Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Help me make it happen:
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One of the big problems on the left over the past twenty years is that the media – particularly the leftmost leaning media – has conditioned us to believe that we’re always losing, and that right wingers are always getting whatever they want simply by waving a magic wand. This is rarely true, but it keeps us tuned in, out of fear and loathing.

This phenomenon is unfortunate, because when we’ve become convinced we can’t win anyway, we don’t bother to put in the basic work required to win any given political battle or election – and we do end up losing. It’s particularly unfortunate, given that most of the big scary talk you hear from right wingers is usually just empty bluster that isn’t backed up by anything real.

Take, for instance, the scary headlines this past week about how the COVID vaccine mandate was going to leave New York City without any police officers or firefighters. After all, thousands of them held protest rallies, taking over a bridge and chanting offensive things, so they must have had the upper hand, right?

But New York held strong, and even the New York Post (a right leaning publication) is now admitting that just thirty-four NYPD officers had to be ousted for refusing to get vaccinated by the deadline. In other words, those big protests and loud threats were just empty noise, from right wing weaklings who ultimately decided they couldn’t handle losing their jobs, so they got vaccinated.

Don’t forget this key truth about right wingers: they talk big but they’re fragile and most of them will cave whenever faced with consequences. It’s how you defeat them. You never cave, you never cower, you never take their threats at face value, and you never sit around talking about how you’re going to lose to them. Instead you laugh at their threats, you lay down the law, and you watch them cave like the insecure weaklings that they are. If you take any other approach, you’re unwittingly playing for their team.

Note from Bill Palmer: I need your help! Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Help me make it happen:
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