These Trump snowflakes just can’t handle it

How did we as a nation become such a bunch of whiners? Rather than making America great, it appears that it was about making America grandiose for Trump. Think about the delusions of grandeur from some in Trump’s base.
They seem to protest everything. The slightest thing sends them into an aggrieved state of endless whining and temper tantrums. I do wonder how some of these brats got by before Trump came into their lives.
On an airplane? Asked to wear a mask? Maga can’t handle it. Asked to protect others by social distancing? Maga can’t handle it. Asked to DO anything for ANYONE? Maga can’t handle it. They do seem able to do cruelty, though — and lots of it.
A good example of the eternal whining of Maga is the DC Trucker convoy. This convoy has gotten exactly nowhere in their eternal quest to protest — WHAT exactly? Nobody really knows for sure. I suppose they could be bored and just looking to let off some steam. The whine of Maga never stops being bored and aggrieved it would appear.
A recent event demonstrates this. One trucker in the DC convoy had been busy driving laps around the area. Per 1st Responders Media, he announced he was taking a day off from his pleasant activities. Why? Because three individuals in a car had given him the finger.
Faster than one could say “flipper,” the trucker was aggrieved. “It messed me up,” he announced. Wow. A little raised and flipped finger messed him up. I must go back in my mind to all the people who have flipped me off, my family off, my friends off. I don’t think any of us really cared all that much.
Snowflakes fall outside, and snowflakes whine in planes at trucker protests and in response to the world. These are Maga snowflakes. These are the true snowflakes.