These right wing loons are even further gone than we thought

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Friends and readers, we’ve brought you the story of the republican war on women. We’ve brought you the story on republicans’ war on minorities and LGBTQ people and Big Bird and the FBI and the DOJ and on schools and teachers and everyone and anyone.

But this one’s new. So Palmer Report readers, get ready! Because I now present to you: The Republican war on Chocolate! The chocolate War is a great classic book and film. Unfortunately it is also the center of a republican war.

Let me set the stage. In one corner, we have desperate, hateful republicans who have no policies except to start arguments with people. On the other side, we have — Chocolate. Ah…delicious, melting luscious Chocolate. Hershey’s, to be exact.

Scrumptious, tasteful Hershey’s — mouth-watering Chocolate that looks good, smells delightful and tastes even better. This is the candy Republicans have gone to war with. Why? Because a Trans woman was included on the wrapping paper of this most wonderful chocolate bar. Hey — I didn’t say it was going to make sense.

Angry Maga tweets were sent into the ether. “Boycott Hershey’s” tweets were sent out by Transphobic republicans who likely do not know nor appreciate the stunning gift of chocolate. Hershey’s is not backing down to Republicans (unlike Walgreen’s) and is defending themselves with eloquence. And really, can Hershey’s do ANYTHING that is not eloquent?

I have a stake in this — I love Hershey’s. The original milk chocolate bars are, in my opinion, the best, but really, ALL Hershey bars deserve recognition. And they’re getting it. Because most people, at least on social media, are laughing their collective asses off at republicans — again.

This is one Chocolate war the GOP really should not have started. One cannot win a war against the Hershey! In any chocolate war, Hershey’s will ALWAYS come out Numero Uno.

In fact, Walgreens should perhaps take a lesson from the courage of the Hershey bar and maybe do some soul-searching as to why they’re turning their backs on their women customers regarding the abortion pill.

As for Republicans? It remains to be seen whom they will take on next. Will it be Bugs Bunny? Pizza? Who knows with them? But we do know one entity that is safe from republican wars: the January 6 insurrection, which republicans appear to be just fine with.

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